Wednesday 23 November 2016

Production meeting 3

In this meeting we went around to all our locations to check where will be the best places to film like what setting and if there are any quite areas. We done this so that we could manage our time better when we actual go to film; we can go straight to where we need to go and film. This is good time management as no time would be wasted while filming results in more footage so that we have more usable scenes.

We went to both Romford and Lakeside to look at the areas and decided Lakeside would be best. In Lakeside we went around to the stores to see in advance who would let us film and if we could film without disruption. Some stores agreed and others did not.

We also looked at both school to pick every place we could film and where would be some great areas. We noticed that there was a space on the floor by a bin and this was very good as the characters would be sitting by a bin which could show that they no bodes and not popular so they sit by the bin.

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