Thursday 10 November 2016

Shot list

Shot List

Shot Number
1. Classroom scene 

2. Singing 

3. pushed over scene 

4. Singing 

5. Shelby and Sarah In Mall 

6. Going to dress up 

7.  Going back to the mall 

8. Shelby Singing 

9.  Classroom scene 









Shelby was writing on the class whiteboard in her unpopular clothes, when the cool kids are all giggling and throw a piece of paper at her head saying looser. She then runs out.

Shelby in her unpopular clothes is singing with a black background and white the song.

Shelby is walking in a classroom when Louis ( The cool kid) walks into her. She then falls on the floor with all her books whilst picking them up.

This then goes back to Shelby singing in her unpopular clothes with a black background

Sarah takes Shelby shopping, to get new cloths and make up to dress her up.

Sarah goes back to Shelby's house where she dressed her up and makes her look good.

Sarah and Shelby go back to the mall looking ' popular ' and bump into the cool kids on the escalator where they all look surprised and shocked.

Shelby is singing in popular clothes outside.

Shelby is writing on the whiteboard looking all glam where the cool kid Louis throws another piece of paper at her but this time saying sorry. Where she then smiles and throws it back in a sarcastic happy way. 

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