Tuesday 10 January 2017

Rough Cut and Audience feedback

Here is our rough cut of the music video

We received some feedback from some viewers who watched the rough cut and here is some of the things they said:

The black background singing shot - The shot where Shelby is singing against the black background had a lot of negative feedback. This was due to the dark background causing Shelby's skin to appear very pale so the colours of the shot do not look very good and make the quality seem bad. To fix this issue we have arranged to film some more scenes of singing to replace of these pieces of footage and I am also going to attempt to recolour this scene by using red tones to make Shelby appear more tan and see if that works.

Too much escalator scene - The last piece of negative feedback we received was that the scene where the cool kids and Shelby pass each other on the escalator was too long. We was advised to shorten this down to make a few more seconds spare to more important footage and so that this scene looks more interesting and isn't dragged out too long. Therefore as I'm editing I will fix this issue by cutting this scene down.

Besides from these 2 improvements, we were told all the rest was extremely good and flows very well. The quality, lighting, camera variety and narrative was very good and needed no improvement. The part that most was impressed with was the ending where Shelby was in her cool kid costume; the dolly as very good and the showers were positioned very well and the lighting due to time of day was perfect.

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