Thursday 26 January 2017

Audience feedback on final music video

We showed our final music video to a group of people, some including some of the people who watch the rough cut, therefore this means they had an opinion on the improvements we made.

Firstly, the improvements in the black background singing shot to the dolly and white background is very good. These new shots are much better quality and also fit better into the narrative and theme of the song/rest of the video. They also felt that we successfully shorten the escalator scene so it was shorter but more effective; one person said that in this case less is best. Based on this feedback I feel very confident about our final music video as it seems that its a big improvement from the rough cut.

Further positive feedback has that the effects like split screen and transitions where very good and were not over used and put in the wrong places. They felt that every one was strategically placed to give an effect in the music video. This is very good feedback as this is exactly hat we done; I carefully placed every feature in the video to portray a meaning in the video like how fade to white is used to show a new day etc.

We did receive some negative feedback, this was that the lip syncing was not perfect in some places. We did know this was an issue later on in editing but it was too late to re-film; this lip-syncing errors was sometime due to mispronouncing the words as different people say words differently. Furthermore the artist is american and Shelby is english so there could be some differences in mouth movements. We are happy with this negative feedback as this is something minor compared to if we got criticism on thinks like editing and effects.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Constructing the advert

I am going to show the process in which we edited the image for the advert. 

Here you can see the image we took at Eastbrook using their grey setting and stool. We took this image with Sarah's photography camera so it would look professional and Shelby done the right poses from her experiences. We have cropped the image down to the right size that we wanted and so it was the right size for a magazine advert.

We then added the text that we wanted to add and played around the font. The first font is the one we really liked as it suits the theme of school certain scenes from the music video. We personally think the writing looks like it was written on a whiteboard

We decided to try repositioning the text and changing the font; we changed the font to just see what the ad would look like in different styles. By doing so we liked the layout but preferred the font before hand so we changed the don back but kept the layout.

We then started to add the different social media platforms in which the audience can follow the artist and where they can by the song. This is a basic requirement for the magazine advert as the point is to show the audience where they can follow and buy the song.

The last thing we done was add some star rating and quotes. We done this as its a good feature as it can encourage people to listen and buy the song. They give good feedback to the audience and most do trust these ratings.

After we done this, the picture was finished. As you could see from this process we did not edit the picture itself as we was able to take a "perfect" image as the shadow, background and Shelby was all perfect to the extent to use in our advert without ending to edit it further. 

Friday 13 January 2017

Finished Advert

Here is our final magazine advert:

Constructing the Digipak

To start off, me and Shelby went and gathered all the images we already taken while filming. We then decided what extra shots we needed and went and took them. Once we had all the final images went gathered all the usable ones and but them in a folder to be used and sent them to Sarah who would be editing the digipak and advert. She went through a picked some good images that she could manipulate well and in different ways. We then told her about our Adele idea where there are multiple images of Shelby an she is tinted and partially transparent.

We sat around the computer with Sarah as she arranged some images into the digipak template so that we could know which images should go in what slot.

Sarah started to edit the images by taking each one individually and cropping them to make them a suitable size and take the background out of some. The tool used to do this is the quick select tool and the magnetic lasso when we needed better precision. Once we had what we wanted perfectly selected, the rest of the image was removed by using the eraser (this would not erase what we selected one the whats not selected)

After this we started to manipulate the images in different ways to see what looks good: here is one example

From playing around we really liked the Adele idea and therefore started to work on that. As you can see below this was our attempt with different colours. Some were brighter but we preferred the more transparent ones but then couldn't decide between which colours. We all sat together and decided what one was best due to which colour and which opacity. We decided to use the top right which is the lower opacity and the red coloured.

To create these effects, we used had to recolour the images to make them appear different colours and then lowered their transparency. The told that do this is the Hue and saturation and Transparency tool and Opacity tool.Due to the transparency being lowered some colours merged so we had to pick colours that went well together and ones that didn't merge.

We really liked this effect so decided to use both these images separately but have one where they are merged together. We had to take both and put them into one separate file and chafe there opacity slightly so they looked better

We then added some text, i went through the lyrics and showed Sarah some good lines to use to put with each picture and Shelby suggested we use the same font as the magazine advert. Text is entered by using the text tool.

We also put in more shapes like thought bubbles and other text. These are added by used the shape tool and holding it down so more shapes and options open up.

Lastly we flipped the top images so they were upside down as this is the requirement and we put in a image of a cd to show which tile the cd would be. These are flipped by transforming them and reflecting them the desired way.

Here is the completed digipak

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Rough Cut and Audience feedback

Here is our rough cut of the music video

We received some feedback from some viewers who watched the rough cut and here is some of the things they said:

The black background singing shot - The shot where Shelby is singing against the black background had a lot of negative feedback. This was due to the dark background causing Shelby's skin to appear very pale so the colours of the shot do not look very good and make the quality seem bad. To fix this issue we have arranged to film some more scenes of singing to replace of these pieces of footage and I am also going to attempt to recolour this scene by using red tones to make Shelby appear more tan and see if that works.

Too much escalator scene - The last piece of negative feedback we received was that the scene where the cool kids and Shelby pass each other on the escalator was too long. We was advised to shorten this down to make a few more seconds spare to more important footage and so that this scene looks more interesting and isn't dragged out too long. Therefore as I'm editing I will fix this issue by cutting this scene down.

Besides from these 2 improvements, we were told all the rest was extremely good and flows very well. The quality, lighting, camera variety and narrative was very good and needed no improvement. The part that most was impressed with was the ending where Shelby was in her cool kid costume; the dolly as very good and the showers were positioned very well and the lighting due to time of day was perfect.