Wednesday 21 December 2016

Editing the music video 2

Once we finished editing the rough cut, we used it as a basic structure to build our music video from. We changed some footage and refills some parts to make it better as we got some feedback while we was working on it and we also didn't like some scenes. Therefore w filmed new footage and replaced the old footage. Transitions and effects like slow motion, colour correction and brightness and contract was added too.

After adding these effects we kept watching it over and over and going through to sieve through and make sure everything was perfect, during this process we also changed a tweaked some few bits as editing on the beat was not perfect and there was some overlap. 

After this we had some people watch the sequence to tell us if there are some things that should be changed that they notice and we received feedback like a light and tripod in the background could be seen so we rearrange a whole section to make sure that this was not visible and all the new footage matched the song and pace.

Here is a screenshot of the workspace when we finished editing the music video in its final form. We may change it from some feedback but here is its current state:

Monday 19 December 2016

Editing the music video 1

One the first day of editing, we came together to get all the footage on Premiere pro. The plan was to spend more time on the rough cut and get all the footage we lie in the right place, therefore when editing the final music video we could put the transitions and extra effects straight on and also have more time to play around with some other effects to see what looks good.

First thing that we done was get all the footage we had and put it into a folder and watch it all again to see what is usable and based on this we then put the useable footage into a new folder so that everything was well organised. the reason we had lists of un usable footage is due to doing retakes and bloopers. We then took this useable footage and put it onto premiere pro

Once the footage was all on the editing software, we started putting it all into order and playing around with what looks good where. This means that we could see what footage looks best at what point of the song. We done this for the duration of the lesson as that we had a good base structure to work with.

Here is a screenshot of the workspace and how much we done: at the beginning. 

Friday 16 December 2016

Filming the music video - 2nd day

On the second day of filming we went to lakeside to film both uncool and popular scenes. We was able to do this in one day as Sarah and Shelby brought clothes and makeup so they could change into their poplar characters in the bathroom.

On this day we had much more people to feature in the sequence as we needed more cool kids, therefore we was organising how to film successfully with all these people and how to work around general public. This was a challenge as some people didn't want to be on film so we had to tell them to wait for 1 minute. However some people were happy to be in the footage as they didn't not care and would be happy to be extras.

While filming the actors were filmed being natural as they were looking around and all footage while looking for clothes; they did not know i was filming them. I feel like this makes the acting much more natural and will make these scenes much better.

Monday 12 December 2016

Filming the music video - 1st day

Our first day filming was where we filmed at school and at shelby's house. These scenes included some performance based, getting pushed by a "cool kid",  "un-cool" scenes and makeovers. These make up a majority of our music video so we made sure to film the scenes a few times and get extra footage. 

Before we started we needed to get characters looking their parts so Sarah and Shelby got changed into some new dresses and done each others hair. they were wearing "Granny" style dresses and had their hair in a way that looked uncool and childish. We tried to use a variety of shots ranging from close ups to long shot and tried to incorporate zooms and other movements. 

While filming we made sure to look through our footage before leaving to check if all the footage was ok and if we needed to refill anything.